Das Forum für das institutionelle deutsche Pensionswesen

Trommelfeuer aus Frankfurt (V)

84 x EIOPA:


Rechtzeitig vor der Vorlage der Stresstestergebnisse erneut ein Rückblick auf die Maßnahmen der europäischen Aufsichtsbehörde EIOPA. Zeitraum ist das zweite Halbjahr 2015.



Die europäische Aufsichtsbehörde legt verstärkt seit dem Herbst 2014 eine Aktivität an den Tag, die ein redaktionelles Aus- und Bewerten derselben in der Gesamtheit praktisch unmöglich macht. Einige der Verlautbarungen wie zum Beispiel die Updates zur risikofreien Zinsstrukturkurve erfolgen rein technisch-turnusgemäß oder komplementieren frühere Meldungen, und vieles betrifft die bAV gar nicht oder nur partiell, manches dafür aber explizit.


Während eben dieses mehrheitlich weiterhin en Detail auf LbAV im Rahmen des Möglichen behandelt werden wird (oder dies schon erfolgt ist), soll der übrige Output der Behörde hier nur aufzählungsweise dokumentiert werden. Zu diesem Zweck erscheint die unregelmäßige Rubrik „Trommelfeuer aus Frankfurt“ heute zum fünften Mal – diesmal mit nicht weniger als insgesamt 84 Einträgen, die LbAV bei der EIOPA seit dem 15 Juli 2015 registriert hat


Im Einzelnen:



13. Januar: EIOPA updates the relevant risk-free interest rate term structures for the Hungarian forint.



8. Januar: EIOPA publishes first Solvency II relevant risk-free interest rate term structures.



5. Januar: Online survey in preparation for the Call for Advice from the European Commission on the delegated acts under the Insurance Distribution Directive.



4. Januar 2016: Solvency II – going live!



22. Dezember 2015: Interview by Manuela Zweimueller, EIOPA's Head of Regulation, with the Newsletter of the Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE).



22. Dezember: EIOPA is ready to provide the Solvency II risk-free interest rate term structures.



21. Dezember: EIOPA consults on improving communication with occupational pension scheme members.

Besprechung auf LbAV folgt.



16. Dezember: European Parliament confirms EIOPA Chairman Gabriel Bernardino.

Jüngst bereits vermeldet: Zweite Amtszeit amtlich.



15. Dezember: EIOPA provides update on consumer trends.



15. Dezember: EIOPA Risk Dashboard December 2015.



10. Dezember: EIOPA publishes speaking points and presentations delivered at its press event “Implementation of Solvency II” that took place on 10 December 2015 in Frankfurt.



9. Dezember: EIOPA to address key financial stability risks.

Besprechung auf LbAV folgt.



8. Dezember: EIOPA extends application deadline for employee representatives in its Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group.

Betrifft nur IRSG. Zur OPSG siehe weiter unten.



4. Dezember: ESAs seek stakeholder input on automation in financial advice.



4. Dezember: EIOPA recommends improvements to the sales of mobile phone insurance.



2. Dezember: EIOPA elects new members of its Management Board.

Jüngst bereits vermeldet: Frank Grund folgt auf Felix Hufeld.



1. Dezember: ESAs update list of identified Financial Conglomerates.



30. November: Interview by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, conducted by Michael Prellberg, Positionen magazine (Germany).

Die „Positionen“ ist eine Zeitschrift des GDV, dementsprechend handelt das Interview nur von Versicherungsregulierung.



26. November: EIOPA: The journey towards supervisory convergence begins – speech by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the International Conference “The Changing Insurance Regulation of the EU” in Milan.



25. November: Summary of the EIOPA Annual Conference 2015 “Managing Change”.

Zu der Rede Bernardinos auf der Tagung siehe Eintrag vom 8. November.



25. November: EU-U.S. Insurance Project holds its 3rd Public Forum.



19. November: EIOPA seeks evidence on the treatment of infrastructure corporates.



18. November: EIOPA and supervisory convergence – The beginning of a new journey. Speech by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the 5th Annual Conference of EIOPA in Frankfurt.

Die zurückhaltende Rede des EIOPA-Chairs ist hier bereits bewertet worden.



17. November: Introductory Statement by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Der Begriff Holistic Balance Sheet kommt Bernardino vor dem ECON laut Redemanuskript nicht über die Lippen, Pensions kommt ohnehin nur am Rande vor, Zitat: „EIOPA will continue to run credible stress tests as preventive supervisory tools, identifying the main risks and vulnerabilities and issuing clear recommendations to deal with them.“



16. November: Online industry survey on the attractiveness of a Pan-European Personal Pension Product.



11. November: ESAs consult on PRIIPs key information for EU retail investors.

Der PRIIPS-Kelch ist an EbAV seinerzeit vorbeigegangen.



11. November: ESAs define risk weights for credit ratings in the EU.



6. November: EIOPA produces a draft ITS on the Solvency II equity transitional measures.



3. November: EIOPA Stakeholder Groups selection procedure – deadline extended to 15 November 2015.

Eine Woche Fristverlängerung zur Bewerbung für OPSG und IRSG hatte es seinerzeit gegeben.



30. Oktober: EIOPA consults on revised preparatory Guidelines on product oversight and governance.



27. Oktober: EIOPA modifies the methodology for calculating the relevant risk-free interest rate term structures for Solvency II.



26. Oktober: EIOPA revises the Solvency II reporting and disclosure package.



21. Oktober: EBA, EIOPA and ESMA consult on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.



9. Oktober: Review of the methodology to derive the ultimate forward rates.



8. Oktober: EIOPA updates its Action Plan 2016 and Way Forward for colleges of supervisors.



5. Oktober: ESAs set out joint work plan for 2016.



1. Oktober: EIOPA Chair Gabriel Bernardino extended for second 5-year term.

Wie berichtet, geht EIOPA-Chair Gabriel Bernardino in eine zweite Amtszeit.



1. Oktober: EIOPA launches selection procedure for new Executive Director.

Wie ebenfalls berichtet, kehrt der derzeitige EIOPA-Geschäftsführer Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta, rechte Hand Bernardinos, nach einer Amtszeit in Frankfurt nach Spanien zurück.



29. September: EIOPA advises to set up a new asset class for high-quality infrastructure investments under Solvency II.



29. September: EIOPA publishes XBRL Taxonomy release 2.0.1CR (Candidate Recommendation).



25. September: EIOPA publishes Opinion on group solvency calculation in the context of equivalence.



23. September: Public Forum of the EU-U.S. Insurance Project on 22 November 2015 in Washington.



16. September: EIOPA Risk Dashboard September 2015.



14. September: EIOPA issues the second set of its Solvency II Guidelines in the official EU languages.



14. September: Statement by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the annual hearing at the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Den Begriff des Holistic Balance Sheets nimmt Bernardino vor den EP-Abgeordneten laut Redemanuskript auch hier zwar nicht in den Mund, doch in Zusammenhang mit dem Stresstest sagt er „we are collecting quantitative information on the impact of different supervisory approaches“.



11. September: Speech by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the 4th Conference on Global Insurance Supervision “Globally under Pressure?” in Frankfurt.



11. September: Summary of the Public Event "Introducing a Standardised Pan-European Personal Pension Product" that was held by EIOPA on 7 September 2015 in Frankfurt.

Was vom PEPP zu halten ist, dazu mehr hier von Alfred Gohdes und hier von Christian Röhle.



10. September: Implementation of Solvency II: The dos and the don’ts – speech by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the International conference “Solvency II: What Can Go Wrong?” in Ljubljana.



9. September: ESAs see continued risks in EU financial markets and call for rigorous action on assets and liabilities.

Es sei hier nur angemerkt, dass die wichtigsten Risiken für die Finanzstabilität in der EU, welche die europäischen Aufsichtsbehörden hier ansprechen müssen – Zitat: „the low interest rate environment and its impact on the profitability and business model sustainability of financial institutions; […] the continued search for yield by financial institutions and the associated mispricing of assets“ – vor allem diejenigen sind, die eine andere europäische Behörde – die EZB – ganz bewusst schafft.



7. September: Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, spoke at the international conference “Solvency II – What can go wrong?” that took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 2 September 2015.



7. September: EIOPA launches selection procedure for its Stakeholder Group members.

Bereits hier auf LbAV behandelt worden.



4. September: EIOPA publishes the Equivalence progress report on developments in the Bermudian supervisory regime.



21. August (2x), 18. und 25. September, 5. und 9. Oktober, 6. und 13. November, 11. und 16. Dezember: New Vacancies at EIOPA.



14. August: Board of Appeal of the ESAs dismisses appeal by Romanian insurer against EIOPA decision.



7. August, 7. September, 7. Oktober, 9. November, 7. Dezember: Update of the Technical Information on the relevant risk free interest rate term structures.



7. August, 7. September, 7. Oktober, 9. November, 7. Dezember, 8. Januar: Monthly update of the symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge for Solvency II.



6. August: Executive Summary of EIOPA’s Annual Report 2014 has now been published in all the official languages of the EU.

Eine Auswertung auf LbAV findet sich hier.



5. August: EIOPA publishes the 9th set of questions and answers for its occupational pensions stress test and quantitative assessment. Participants in both exercises should submit their data to the national supervisory authorities by 10 August 2015.



29. Juli: EIOPA publishes the 8th set of questions and answers, the updated DB reporting spreadsheet as well as the helper tab and the tool allowing to update the previous spreadsheets – for its occupational pensions stress test and quantitative assessment.



28. Juli: EIOPA to hold a public hearing on its final Advice to the European Commission on infrastructure investments.



24. Juli: EIOPA publishes the User Manual to complement the Solvency II risk free interest rate coding publication.



22. Juli: EIOPA publishes the 7th set of Q&A, the updated DC calculation tool, the updated DB reporting spreadsheet and the tool allowing to update the previous spreadsheets – for its occupational pensions stress test and quantitative assessment.



15. Juli: EIOPA publishes the updated DC reporting spreadsheet, the 6th set of questions and answers as well as the calculation tools for DC module and maximum sponsor support for its occupational pensions stress test and quantitative assessment.



15. Juli: EIOPA seeks input to its Solvency II risk free interest rate coding.



15. Juli: Joint Statement by the Romanian Financial Supervision Authority, the European Commission and EIOPA on the independent assessment of the Romanian insurance sector.



14. Juli: European pensions: regulatory achievements and the way forward – speech by Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA, at the PensionsEurope Conference in Brussels.




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